Our Sixth Form
Our Sixth Form Vision
“To enable lifelong employability for students by developing character through a high quality vocational curriculum which offers challenge and breadth of opportunity.”
Our Mission
To ensure that students continue to build on their achievements in Key Stage 4 and gain additional qualifications. Students access high quality work experience, supported internships and a range of volunteering opportunities.
Students in Years 12 and 13 rotation groups follow a two-year curriculum and are onsite four days each week. The fifth day is dedicated to work skills and personal development without impacting on the timetabled curriculum.
Students can participate in work experience, attend a college link placement and develop independent home learning on a termly rotational basis.
Throughout the academic year all students have the opportunity to access all activities and if remaining at home are provided with a home learning booklet to complete. Students upload photographic evidence of tasks completed.
Staff make sure student’s previous achievements are built on along with continuing to improve their grades in English and Mathematics. Students are provided with additional challenges and areas of responsibility throughout their time in Sixth Form.
The Sixth Form aims to prepare young people to take advantage of the opportunities available to them beyond school through further development of their academic skills, personal skills and work related and enterprise skills
The Sixth Form at Selly Oak Trust School is intended to be a transitional stage, within a supportive environment, between the school context and adult life, including leisure, college, training and the world of work.
The Sixth Form aims to prepare young people to take advantage of the opportunities available to them beyond school through further development of their academic skills, personal skills and work related and enterprise skills.
Considerable emphasis is placed on liaison with students, parents and outside agencies. Where appropriate, students are expected to take on increasing degrees of personal responsibility and to develop and demonstrate appropriate organisational skills.
The school offers a broad Post-16 curriculum, including a range of accredited subjects, and an extensive range of vocational qualifications.
The school's Post-16 curriculum is fully supported by a range of external experiences. The school provides access to college and training providers and a structured work experience programme.
To take a virtual tour of our 6th Form please watch the video below: