Safeguarding and Child Protection
Selly Oak Trust School is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the students entrusted in our care.
Our school will support all students by:
- Promoting a caring, safe and positive environment within our school,
- We will encourage self-esteem and self-assertiveness,
- We will effectively tackle bullying and harassment issues.
We recognise that some children may be victims of neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Staff working with students are well placed to identify such abuse.
At Selly Oak we aim to:
- Create an atmosphere where all our students can feel secure, valued and listened to,
- Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse,
- Respond quickly, appropriately and effectively to cases of suspected abuse.
If you have a concern that a child is being harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure (intentionally or unintentionally) you must contact one of our DSLs as below on the main school number 0121-472-0876 or on the email addresses given below:
Julie Eaton, Headteacher
Martin Gore, Deputy Headteacher – Senior Designated Lead for Safeguarding
Mark Wilkinson, Assistant Headteacher - Deputy Designated Lead for Safeguarding
Tracey O’Meara, KS5 Pastoral Manager & Designated Lead for Safeguarding tracy.o’
Kayleigh Leadbeater, Designated Lead for Safeguarding
Alternatively, you can contact Birmingham Children's Trust on 0121 303 1888.
You can read our Safeguarding Policy by clicking the link here.
You can read a summary of Safeguarding and Child Protection for Visitors to our school below or download a copy here