Selly Oak Trust School

Selly Oak Trust School

Life at Selly Oak Trust School Life at Selly Oak Trust School Life at Selly Oak Trust School Life at Selly Oak Trust School Life at Selly Oak Trust School Life at Selly Oak Trust School Life at Selly Oak Trust School

People who can help us

Your family's well being is important to us. Birmingham Educational Psychology Team are offering support for parents and carers who are struggling during this difficult time and need someone to talk to. 

NEW Our staff and students have put together an updated guide to access support available to families, please click HERE to access the PDF.

Click on the links below for some support and guidance for you and your family and how to contact essential services:

PAUSE Managing Worries Parent Call Back Service - free number to call for support

Emotional Coaching for Parents & Carers - this service offers emotional coaching services

Mental Health Support & Advice Lines - support for Mental Health difficulties

CAT Team Support - support for young people with Autism

Managing Bereavement Support - support for losing someone close to you

Well Being Leaflet - phone numbers you can call for help and advice

Health & well being app - an app for your phone or device to help you get support

Disability Services Directory - contact details for disability services to support you

The following websites offer advice and guidance to support your family's mental well being and information on how to access to food banks at this difficult time:

The following agencies can offer support on Domestic Violence: 

New Heights Domestic Abuse Services in Kingstanding 

Helpline: 07753 224835 , / Email: 

Covers postcode areas: B23, 24, 35, 44, 72, 73, 74, 75 & 76 


BREATHE Advice and Advocacy Service in Kingstanding 

Contact 0121 384 2333 Email: 


Covers postcode areas: B23, 24, 35, 44, 72, 73, 74, 75 & 76 


Bharosa Domestic Abuse Service 

A culturally appropriate and sensitive service for ethnic minority women suffering any form of abuse. 

Tel: 0121303 0368/0369  Email:  


Birmingham & Solihull Women's Aid 

Contact: 0808 800 0028 
