Selly Oak Trust School

Selly Oak Trust School

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Managing Worries

This page has links to resources and strategies to help your child or anyone in your household to manage worries they have at the moment. There is also a narrated PowerPoint and printable resources to help your child manage their emotions, produced by our Occupational Therapy team.

Managing your Emotions at Home (a narrated powerpoint)

Resources to help manage emotions at home

When Anxiety Feels Overwhelming

5 Ways to Wellbeing from Loudmouth Theatre

Click here for other resources to support emotions at home 

Below are free to download exercises, cards and strategies from the 'Relax Kids Calm Pack' to help you and your child manage anxious thoughts and feelings in these uncertain times. Take a card in the morning, before bed or when you need a moment to pause and feel calm and relaxed 

Young Minds

Young Minds is a source of easily accessible information about all aspects of child mental health. Young Minds aim is to fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. They want to make sure children and young people get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties. 

For young people if they want to know more about how they're feeling, get information about a mental health condition or know what support is available to them, the Young Minds guides can help.

NSPCC helpline

While schools and social workers remain at the forefront of work to protect vulnerable children, including by supporting them to attend school, expanding the NSPCC helpline and raising its profile will mean more adults know where to go with concerns about the safety and wellbeing of any children. Some common signs that there may be something concerning happening in a child’s life include:

  • aggressive or repeated shouting
  • hearing hitting or things being broken
  • children crying for long periods of time
  • very young children left alone or are outdoors by themselves
  • children looking dirty or not changing their clothes
  • children being withdrawn or anxious.

Last year the NSPCC helpline, which has around 100 staff, received 73,000 contacts from people with concerns about a child’s welfare.

It can be reached 24 hours a day by email – - or through its online reporting form. Its team of experts can also be called Monday to Friday 8am-10pm or 9am-6pm at the weekends on 0808 800 5000.

Resources from NSPCC are available if you click HERE